I decided to compile a list of things I miss about my pre-pregnancy life. Now that its almost coming to a close I thought I would reflect back and look at 20 things that I miss, and that I would be getting back (well at least some of them). They are in no particular order, just randomness.
1. My wedding ring
2. Being able to wear any of my shoes and not just one pair of them
3. A normal body temperature
4. Walking like an up-right bipedal human, and not waddling
5. Belts
6. Normal Jeans
7. My legs not cramping every night
8. Being able to get out of bed / being able to roll freely in bed
9. Sleeping through the night (Wont get this one right away, but gradually)
10. Being able to put my socks on
11. Being able to bend down and pick up something with out having to have to do a prep dance
12. Laying on my stomach
13. Ibuprofen and Cold medicine
14. Garments fitting better
15. Turn corners without bumping into things
16. Getting through my shower door
17. Looking down and seeing my feet
18. I miss not knowing what my sciatic nerve was
19. Being able to bend my toes because they wont be so swollen
20. Not getting sick every other month
So there you have it 20 things I will be getting back once Liam is born.
I also had my appointment today. Just as expected, he is doing great. He has not engaged into the birth canal. I am not effaced in the slightest, but I'm dilated to a 1. Wahoo, only 9 more to go! I am measuring 38 cm and Liam weighs 6lbs so he is just right on the average. Liam is now a full term baby! So he could literally come any day that he decides. I have told him its okay if he comes a little early (next week), I think he is taking it under concideration.
Also my random Movie Quote:
"That would be harsher punishments for paroll violaters, Stan... And, World Peace."