Happy Easter everyone! We had an odd Easter, but a good one. We first went to the Draper Easter Egg Hunt. And it was horrible! The circled all the children and put the eggs in the middle then blew a horn and it was a fight to the death. I thought that the parents would stay on the out side and kids would run into the middle. No... the parents ran in. Liam got two eggs. Liam was so freaked out by everyone he didn't want to go in.
Liam at the Draper Easter Egg Hunt
After that we went over to the Plumb's house and did an Easter Egg hunt there. Liam loved it. He found a lot of them! :D
Easter Sunday we went over to Great Grandma's and Great Grandpas for yet another Easter Egg Hunt :D This time its all for himself! :D
Then we went to church and after we went up to Grandma Glo's house! Liam was a little antsy because I think he knew what we were going to do.
So we had a good Easter after all! Some updates about our newest baby. Its a girl. We are so excited to have another addition to our family. Liam, I think is starting to understand. We point out babies everywhere and have him kiss his little sister. I'm looking forward to having them both in my arms. We had an ultrasound check up the other day and everything looks good! :D
Somethings about Liam that are just fun facts. Liam is a very good jumper! He loves to jump. His vocabulary is growing. His newest phrase is "Oh no!" Its super cute the way he says it I will have to get a video of it some time. :D